Sukumar's Untitled Project is an upcoming Telugu film written and directed by Sukumar. The film is produced by Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara under their banner 14 Reels Entertainment. It stars Mahesh Babu and Kajal Aggarwal in their second film together after Business Man. The soundtrack will be composed by Devi Sri Prasad, who will be working with Sukumar for the fifth time in his career. The film will have cinematography handled by Rathnavelu who had earlier worked with Sukumar for Arya and Jagadam. The film was officially launched on 12 February 2012 at 14 Reels Entertainment office in Hyderabad. Filming began on 23 April 2012 and it was announced that the film would release in the Sankranti weekend of 2013
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