Kurumbu is a 2003 Indian Tamil film directed by Vishnuvardhan, making his directorial debut. The film, a remake of the 2002 Telugu film Allari, stars Allari Naresh, who also starred in the original version, which marked his acting debut, along with the female artists Diya and Nikita Thukral in lead roles. The film released on 21 November 2003 to poor reviews, failing to repeat the success of the original version and hence, ending up as a box-office bomb, being considered as the only commercially unsuccessful film of director Vishnuvardhan. It is a triangular love story between three young teenagers. The story portrays how the hero finds his true loveDirector:
Akkineni Indira Anand
Music Director:
Yuvan Shankar Raja
Vishnuvardhan, Nivas
Ra. Krishnaa
P. S. Balram, Yuvan Shankar Raja, Shalini Singh, Prashanthi, Devan, Sunitha Sarathy, Malaysia Vasudevan, Devan, Afroze, Gopika Poornima, Srinivas, Harish Raghavendra, Srilekha Parthasarathy, Subiksha
Allari Naresh,
Nikita Thukral,
8/10 stars from 200 users.Reviews: 50.
Kurumbu Movie Audio Songs
Date uploaded:Fri Aug 10 2012 22:50:45 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
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